Coming Soon!
- Authentication: uses Firebase Authentication to provide a secure, seamless, and unique set of experiences to admin and conventional users
- Storage: stores metadata for merchandise and multimedia resources using Firebase Firestore and stores those resources themselves in Firebase Storage
- Payment: utilizes the Stripe payment API to provide users with a secure checkout Experience
- Hosting: hosted using Firebase Hosting
- Conditional Rendering: scales to mobile or desktop viewports
- SMTP Bulk Email: uses AWS SES to enable admin users to contact other users with marketing information
- Animations: animated using Framer Motion for an interactive user experience
- Design: designed the UI/UX of the website using Figma
Built with
- Project Organizer:
- arranged and led meetings between the client and development team
- Firebase Integration:
- implemented Firebase Authentication, Firestore, and Storage
- designed the user interface in Figma and transitioned those designs to tsx with tailwindcss